Ready to drive more traffic to your website?

Our free SEO Audit Tool provides step-by-step instructions to improve your website performance no strings attached

Not getting valuable traffic? Outranked for competitive terms by the competition?  

Stop being frustrated with your website’s performance and start being proactive.  

With our free SEO audit tool you can not only perform a comprehensive health check, but also receive a detailed report outlining the site improvements that will give you the biggest return. 

And no – it’s not a report full of SEO jargon designed to make you throw your hands in the air and just hand it all over to us for implementation. It’s designed to support small business owners on their DIY SEO journey.  

This means that every recommendation of what you need to do comes with explanations of why you need to do it and, most importantly, how to do it. 

What’s the good in having a smokin’ hot website if no-one can find it? Drop your deets below and let’s go!

What is an SEO audit? And why does your website need one?

There’s one major misconception about websites that contributes to performance (or a lack of) more than anything else – this is the ‘set and forget’, or ‘build it and they will come’ misconception. 

SEO is an evolving beast, with search engines such as Google constantly updating their algorithms to provide a better user experience. What worked yesterday may not work today, which means that your website needs to evolve in response. But how do you know what those changes are?   

The answer is a website SEO audit, which is like a health check for your website that: 

01. Identifies

behind-the-scenes issues affecting your site’s performance

02. Recommends

actions to resolve or address each issue.

But I’m a small business owner that doesn’t know my JavaScript from my PHP, so how will that help?

It probably won’t – and that’s the problem.  

Many SEO Audit Tools have been developed by developers for developers using language that makes sense to developers. To the average small business looking to DIY their SEO, this only leads to more frustration. Unless… 

…you give our free Small Business SEO Audit Tool a crack. As well as analysing site performance and recommending improvements to ensure you’re always on top, it also: 

  • Explains onsite issues, and 
  • Provides instructions (in non-developer language) on: 
    • What you need to do 
    • Why it’s important, and 
    • How to do it.  

01. Identifies

behind-the-scenes issues affecting your site’s performance

02. Explains

why they’re affecting your search ranking

03. Recommends

actions to resolve or address each issue.

04. Guides

you with clear instructions on each onsite action.

The thing to remember is this – your website doesn’t exist in a bubble. There are soooo many external variables that influence your site performance.  

But while you can’t control those external variables, you can control how your website responds to them.  

And our Small Business SEO Audit Tool will tell you how.

What does our free Small Business SEO Audit Tool report on?

Our free Small Business SEO Audit identifies what’s wrong with your website and explains how best to fix it to ensure you’re always on top.  

It evaluates each of the categories below and provides a score out of 100. Each category contributes to an overarching score that reflects the SEO health of your website.  


How do your keyword rankings stack up against competitors?


What direct measures can you take to improve search rankings?


Where are the opportunities for improving your website so it loads faster?


What’s your site authority and how do your backlinks compare to competitors?

Take your first step to being SEEN 

We get it – SEO can be a right pain in the arse. But our free Small Business SEO Audit is the perfect way to see if your website is firing at full steam or if (and how) it needs a helping hand.

And if it does need a helping hand? You’ll have it, with a jargon-free report and plain language advice. 

Because technical hoo-ha? It’s just so yesterday. 

Questions? Keen to work together? Just want to send us a lovely bunch of flowers? 

Whatever it is, we’d be stoked. (And also super-keen to help you get your website in front of the right people at the right time.) 

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We acknowledge the strength, fortitude, wisdom and culture of the Darug peoples on whose land we work.

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